Fast Weight Loss and Your Skin

While most weight challenged people think that losing weight quickly is the best way to an elegant look, to their self-esteem increase and to their peers respect, very few of them actually realize what hidden dangers they expose themselves to.

We don't even have to seek deep into the human body, to examine the effect of drastic diets upon the stomach, the liver or upon the metabolism in general. If we only look at the skin and we see that losing weight rapidly may affect it is an irreversible manner. Our skin is an unbelievable organ, so elastic that it can extend up to more than double its surface and then stretch again, while managing to preserve our body shape and to keep everything together inside us.

However, if we play rude, for example by big weight fluctuations, the skin won't be able to maintain its elasticity anymore, and this is how the ugly, strange scars known as stretch marks appear. In women's case, another cause of stretch signs appearance is pregnancy, when the skin on the tummy is stretched to a maximum to accommodate the baby.

Stretch marks may attenuate with certain skin treatments, like cocoa-based creams, or they may be removed by laser treatments or even by skin surgery. While these are anything else but pleasures, it would be better to try to put in place some preventive measures, so we don't have to deal with stretch marks at all.

Whatever you do for your beauty, you have to consider that it is great to be healthy, therefore you have to take care not to spoil the fragile balance of your body, in your attempt to improve yourself. Losing weight is one of the tricky areas of beauty, because there are cases when women are slim and yet they have stretchmarks and cellulite. These conditions are not necessarily related to the body weight and to the amount of body fat one has. You need to consider medical aspects of all your action, from a simple colon cleanse procedure, to the most sophisticated bariatric surgery.

Tips To Lose Weight Without Getting Stretch Marks

One of our best tips would be to choose a slow, long-term oriented weight loss method instead of all those rapid diets which claim to help you lose 10 pounds in a week, or lose 20 pounds in 20 days, or whatever other number of pounds and time interval. While your attempt of losing weight with such methods may be successful, there's no doubt that you skin, suddenly becoming too big for what's inside will get stretch marks and wrinkles, making you look older and not so nice anymore.

Another tip of losing weight in a healthy way is to drink plenty of water. Hydration is very important, and your skin would thank you very much by getting a nice, fresh aspect. On the contrary, if you don't drink enough water on daily basis, your skin would dehydrate and get all wrinkled, plus it would become so dry that you'll get unpleasant side effects like peeling or grease accumulations.

Losing weight is more than getting hungry on regular basis. Losing weight aims in fact on losing fat from the body and not diminishing the muscular mass. This is why excercise plays an important role in a healthy weight loss program that works while maintaining you healthy and in good shape. No diet in the world would ever make your belly disappear, once you've got it. You need special workouts to tone your stomach and flatten your abs.  Workouts also help the skin maintain its health, so they have to be strongly considered when thinking of an ideal diet-fitness plan.